70 photos   7238 visits

member since 16 August 2011


Hey, I`m Deeyah. I have an account on sunphoto, but I thought to put my magazine on this site, too.
~If you want, u can see my magazine on xUltimateHollywoodRecordsMag.sunphoto.ro
~I live in Romania, and I`m 13 years old!~
~I`m the biggest Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber`s fan, but I like Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez and Anahi Portilla too. Sorry, but my magazine is in romanian, not in English.
~Thanks for the visit!!
~So, bye!!!

Comments • 5

biabi 16 August 2011  
UltimateHollywoodRecordsMag 16 August 2011  
xSomeone 16 August 2011  
Hey :)
UltimateHollywoodRecordsMag 16 August 2011  
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